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Healthful Hints for Summer

After the punishing winter it is wonderful to see that mother nature is once again our friend. Gardening, going to the beach, as well as all the postponed outdoor activites are once again possible. Be mindful of the following as you enjoy the outdoors:

  1. Pace yourself while doing yardwork and gardening. Proper body mechanics for kneeling, lifting, carrying and bending over to weed are essential. Caution weeding hilly areas can be injurious to your back and just because its something you always used to do is no guarantee its a chore you can still do. Remember your body is going through its own transitions with the passage of time.

  2. Exercising. In spite of what the health industry is trying to sell you the only exercise that is really beneficial to your health is the kind that makes you feel better. Not the kind that causes reinjury. Much the same as with food. Whats healthy for one person is not healthy for another. Listen to your body. If yoga bothers your knees or your rotator cuff issues stay way from it. Less can be a great deal more Be mindful of the way you feel especially 36 hours after you have exercised. It often takes that much time for the full effects of the treatment or workout to be felt.

  3. Lastly if you do get injured do something about it sooner rather than later. Something as simple as timely application of ice or 15 minutes of stretching, self massage or stabilization work can make all the difference in whether an injury becomes longterm. No one knows your body better than you. Know when you need to schedule a session for movement and/or massage and when its something you can manage with your personal self care program.


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